Saturday, February 02, 2013

Steven Vincent and Dawn of the Knight

Fantasy author Steven Vincent

Today let's welcome new author and Goodreads friend Steven Vincent, who'd like readers to know about his debut novel Dawn of the Knight. Take it away, Steven!
Dawn of the Knight is a fantasy novel that I think will really grab the attention and touch the heart of a casual reader, but it has that hardcore fantasy theme that will appeal to the Lord of the Rings fan as well! J.R.R. Tolkien is an important influence in my writing. Nothing beats the classics.
The story includes laughter, struggles, and mystery. I wrote the book with my reader (and myself) in mind. You can rest assured that all the 'filler' you get sick of leafing through does not make an appearance in my book!
A lot of times a book will play with your emotions and go out of its way to ruin your mood. That isn't my style; I literally aim to please!
When I first wrote the book, it didn't turn out and I left it for a year. But when I came back to it with new ideas and characters, the storyline changed almost on its own and I was surprised by how deep the morals of the book were. It's really a story of change, for better or for worse, and I guess as I cleared the obstacles of self-publishing I went through a quest of my own!
I have about four series planned, but I'm focusing on Dawn of the Knight's sequel and a science fiction novel this year.
Most commonly, people tell me they're inspired by the main character Egon, and how he stands up to impossible odds. That's a good feeling!

Please visit Steven's blog at His ebook is available on Amazon.

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